Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Back to School Again"

(I guess if you aren't a Grease 2 fan, the title is just a title, but for those who are, I wanted to plant the song in your head for a few hours at least.)

Well, it's finally happened. I have two kids in actual school. Not pre-k. Real, all-day, actual school. Oy!!

This was their first-day-of-school picture. They also have one by "the tree" - the same one we use every year - but this one was way cuter!

William has hit some weird growth spurt. We bought him new pants last weekend, and they fit. Today, they were almost too short. Or maybe we accidentally washed them on hot. But he is freakishly taller every time I see him these days. They go in for their check-ups soon, so we will see how he measures up since last year.....

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